Friday, February 22, 2013

pinhole camera

journal 1

picture number one is a picture of a reminder of the literacy test which represents school.

picture number two is my dog.

picture number three is my room with the blacklights on. when im bored or feeling creative i will go down there and draw on the walls.

picture number four is my longboard

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

assignment 1

These photos were taken by photographer Erica Simone. The meaning behind these photos is based upon the question, "why is clothing so important in society?"  While photographing fashion week, Erica Simone saw how the models were so hung up on clothing and how they look, while they were just stepping over homeless people on the streets. What makes these photos so strong is the fact that society labels people by what they wear and how they look, but here this model goes completely naked to show that underneath all the fancy clothing is a human being.